Half-Day - Monday – Thursday 8:00-11:30 for 3’s and 4’s
Full Day - Monday-Friday 8:00-2:45 3’s, 4’s, and Bridge
Our program is created to be age-specific and to build on each year, 3’s, 4’s and Bridge, to best prepare students developmentally, emotionally, socially, and physically for Kindergarten.

- Student to teacher ratio of 12:1
- Students must be 3 by September 1
- Class time focuses on Letter and Number recognition and introduction to letter sounds, social skills, fine and gross motor skill development
- Units of teaching include Self, Family, Community Helpers, and Seasons
- Daily Bible time includes lessons on stories from the Bible, songs, and weekly memory verse
- Each week classes enjoy Chapel, Music, Movement Lab, and Art
- All students must be potty trained and independent in the bathroom

- Student teacher ratio of 15:1
- Students must be 4 by September 1
- Every Pre-K 4 student is a candidate for Kindergarten or our Bridge program if not Kindergarten ready
- Class time focuses on Letter and Sound recognition, Number comprehension and Math, beginning reading skills, social skills, fine and gross motor skill development
- Daily Bible time includes lessons on stories from the Bible, songs, and weekly memory verses
- Each week classes enjoy Chapel, Music, Movement Lab, and Art
- All students must be potty trained and independent in the bathroom.

- Student to teacher ratio of 15:1
- Students should be 5 by September 1, missing the cut off for Kindergarten, or a 5 year old who needs an extra year of readiness for Kindergarten
- Class time focuses on reading readiness, Math, Science, STEM activities including technology, social skills, fine and gross motor skill development, problem solving, and cognitive skills
- Daily Bible time includes lessons on stories from the Bible, songs, and weekly memory verses
- Each week classes enjoy Chapel, Music, Movement Lab, and Art
- All students must be potty trained and independent in the bathroom.

Designed with a student to teacher ratio of 16:1, the Kindergarten environment includes numerous multi-sensory activities to teach language development, visual and auditory perception, motor skills, math concepts, and social development.
Enrichment activities are planned to enhance unit topics. Bible stories, songs, and verses are a part of each session. Chapel, music, Movement Lab, P.E., STEM, and library classes are attended weekly. Curriculum exceeds the state standards for Kindergarten.
Students enrolling in Kindergarten must be 5 before August 1st of the current year unless approved by FA administration.

Designed with a student to teacher ratio of 18:1, students focus on the academic skills of reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and Bible studies through a Christ-centered approach. Pupils participate in weekly P.E., music, technology, and art classes. The Accelerated Reader (AR) program is used to encourage reading for pleasure. To chart progress for each student, STAR Renaissance tests in reading and math are administered on a quarterly basis. Our school curriculum is Biblically-integrated to ensure students are being taught through a Christian view. Weekly chapels further contribute to our goal to see students develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and serve Him.

Elementary students use the Purposeful Design curriculum that teaches students to apply biblical truth to their lives through Scripture memory and the development of Christlike character. Both the Old and New Testaments are included in study. Focus areas in the application of spiritual grow are the development of Christlike behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Other subjects integrate the Bible in the curriculum.
Preschool students utilize Bible curriculum that teaches both the Old Testament and New Testament. Scripture memory and activities are implemented to further solidify concepts and information taught.
All curriculum is developed with a Christian Worldview, from history to science to math. While students learn important academic concepts, spiritual values and ideals are present in each page.
Preschool and elementary students attend chapel weekly where they are actively involved in worship through praying, quoting Scripture, singing worship songs, and listening to lessons utilizing Biblical application. Our FBC Rogers Kids and Preschool ministry teams lead many of our chapels. We also enjoy having special guests speak to us as well, including missionaries, college leaders, and former students.

In an effort to apply what our students are learning inside the classroom, First Academy students are expected to serve our local and world communities. Our hope is that our students develop a passion for serving and loving others and become the Hands and Feet of Jesus.
Recent service projects include: cereal drives for Samaritan House, Halloween candy sent to Treats for Troops, donating and serving at the FBC Rogers food pantry, collecting and sending Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, collecting and sending items for the Samaritan Community Center’s Thanksgiving Blessing Bags, and reading to preschool students within our school.